
Black Box Recorders in Your Vehicle: What Do They Record?


Traditionally, black box recorders have been associated with airplanes in the minds of most consumers. These recorders are virtually indestructible and allow investigators to determine what went wrong in the case of an airplane crash or terrorist attack using a commercial airliner. The black box can be salvaged from the wreckage and used to determine the cause of the crash in order to prevent the problem in the future. In the event of a wreck they are extremely crucial in determining fault and the exact details about the wreck that a witness can’t provide. These black boxes are becoming common in some newer vehicles. Many consumers may be concerned about this, which makes it important to understand exactly what the black box recorder is and what it does.


Black box recorders are more frequently being installed in newer cars in order to record information used by officers in events of crashes and traffic incidents. In a recent example, a driver informed officers that he had been driving 75 miles per hour at the time of the crash, but the recorder told a different story. The driver had actually been going in excess of one hundred miles per hour at the time of the crash. Once officers were able to collect this information, the driver was given a ticket and the correct fine. The information from the recorder helped officers to determine what happened in the actual accident and ensured that the right person paid the price.

Black box recorders in cars are installed for similar purposes as they are installed in airplanes. Using the information from these recorders, car manufacturers and investigators will be better able to determine what causes cars to malfunction and cause serious accidents on the road. In these situations, these recorders can help to lessen accident related fatalities and provide safer cars for everyone driving on the road.


Black box recorders are also known as event data recorders, and record several important pieces of information from your car. The speed at which you were driving at the time of an accident is recorded by the EDR. Typically, these devices are activated by the impact of a collision, and will not record conversations or any audio inside the car. The data recorded is used strictly to monitor and assess the performance of the automobile’s safety performance.


Black box recording provides a very valuable tool in the courtroom because the data that they present is completely impartial and fact based. This in turn can be used to help determine fault in the accident. If, for instance, the black box shows that the truck driver was clearly speeding and did not attempt to stop, then that shows careless and unlawful behavior.

Black boxes are also useful as evidence in court cases, because they are not prone to the same kinds of errors that a human being is. Many people testifying in accident cases do indeed have honest, honorable intentions; however, when an accident occurs it is an extremely stressful event for a person and this stress may result in cloudy, incomplete, or downright inaccurate recollections. The fact based, objective nature of black box recordings can help correct this misinformation.


Clay Dugas fights hard in each and every commercial trucking accident case that he takes to ensure that the rights of the defendant are protected. He brings years of experience to the table and the ability to gather black box information with the intent to use that evidence effectively. This gives Clay Dugas the advantage you need to reach a settlement or battle in the courtroom for your fair compensation. Contact Dugas Law Firm today to discuss your case in a free consultation.

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