
How Personal Injury Lawsuits Benefit Industrial Accidents Victims


You are a reasonably careful and cautious person, and when it comes to your job, you likely avoid taking unnecessary risks, right? Therefore, the threat of being injured at work may not seem like something that you should have to worry about. Unfortunately, not every dangerous or even risky scenario that can happen in the workplace can be foreseen and avoided. Industrial accidents in particular are virtually impossible to predict, and could potentially drastically impact your quality of life in the event of a major injury. If this terrible event does occur, you and your family may be able to benefit from a personal injury lawsuit.


As difficult as it may be to believe, Texas does not require all employers to carry workers compensation coverage. The only exception is detailed in Section 406.096 of the Texas Labor Code. It states that only contractors employed on public projects are required to provide worker’s compensation benefits to their employees (and that coverage is only required while his or her crew is engaged in that project).

Even if you happen to qualify for coverage under such circumstances, worker’s compensation is only required to pay for your medical and rehabilitation expenses, as well as disability benefits while you are unable to return to work. What about the impact your accident may have on your quality of life, or the potential for it to hinder your future earning capacity? Or what about taking action to improve the conditions that lead to your accident in the first place so that you and your coworkers will not face such risks again?


Thus a personal injury lawsuit can be beneficial to accident victims and their families. If you were recently involved in such an accident, and are now contemplating your options moving forward, consider some of the potential advantages that may come from filing a personal injury lawsuit:
Compensation – It is difficult to put a concrete number on exactly how much the injuries you sustained in an industrial accident may end up costing you. Depending upon the nature and severity of your injuries, your expenses may range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands or even millions. One thing that you may be able to bank is that worker’s compensation will likely not cover all of that. A reward from a lawsuit just might.
Peace-of-mind – You may be able to return to your former life and career to some degree following an accident, but what about the future? If your accident has left you unable to earn the same salary you did before, how are you to guarantee the financial security of your family? The money gained through a lawsuit may just help to compensate the financial loss that you’re facing, protecting your family’s future and allowing you to turn your attention to your recovery.
Justice – What if the negligent actions of your employer led to your injury? If no laws were broken, how can it be motivated to make changes to avoid such an accident from happening again? A lawsuit assigns accountability for such an incident, rewarding you for the reckless behavior of others and applying pressure on them to improve safety standards.

During the difficult times following an industrial accident, you and your family may feel as though you are totally alone. Rest assured that you are not. At Dugas Law Firm are here to help get you the financial compensation that you need to help put your life back together.

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